Instructions for purchase & payment
To help customers easily shop & pay after shopping for their favorite products at HAPPYCO, we would like to send you the following detailed instructions.
Shopping guide
* Method 1: Direct contact
- Step 1: access website
Step 2: contact Hotline 0946 27 22 86, request for direct consultation
* Option 2: Order via website
- Step 1: access website
- Step 2: Go to the Product menu to choose the product according to your needs
- Step 3: Click the Buy button to choose to buy the product
- Step 4: Click on the button Proceed to order to order the product
- Step 5: Fill in the information form according to the form
- Step 6: Click the Order button after completing step 5
- Step 7: pay by bank transfer or cash at the store
Payment Guide:
+ Direct payment method
Pay cash directly at the store at address 526/2, KP. 8A, Tan Bien Ward, City. Bien Hoa, Dong Nai Province
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